Hello, I am Victor. I am a software engineer with corporate experience. Solution provider for #startups and #enterprise using Javascript (Node JS and React) | Python.
when exporting realm through Docker the following error happens: I get the following error message: ERROR: Error during export/import:...
💡 Copied from https://benshapi.ro/post/android-sdk-without-android-studio/ for personal Backup The process is similar on macOS, Windows, and Linux....
In this article I’ll share with you my own experience in migration from material UI 4 to 5, it is so easy, such as drinking a cup of coffee. Ok, let's...
Step 1 chmod -R o+rx /home/[frappe_user] Step 2: sudo nano /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf (Add these lines under...
Here is the process I use when setting up Multi-Tenant DNS on frappe bench` bench config dns_multitenant on bench new-site library.dev bench setup...
Run this to generate Wildcard SSL sudo certbot certonly --manual --manual-public-ip-logging-ok --preferred-challenges dns-01 --server...